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    Monastic Fighting Styles of the Flanaess
    Posted on Mon, May 10, 2010 by LordCeb
    Argon writes "We are all familiar with monkish fighting styles based on Asian fighting styles. However much of Oerth, especially the Flanaess are based on western earth civilizations. Therefore the monk class should reflect a more westernized approach to its philosophy and structure.  Or in the least an approach which embraces the many fighting traditions each order may dwell in. Like a complete monk for the westernized campaign...

    Monastic Fighting Styles


    The Flanaess

    We are all familiar with monkish fighting styles based on Asian fighting styles. Much of Oerth, especially the Flanaess are based on western earth civilizations. Therefore the monk class should reflect a more westernized approach to its philosophy and structure.  Or in the least an approach which embraces the many fighting traditions each order may dwell in. Like a complete monk for the westernized campaign.

    The original monk focused on unarmed combat with few weapon choices. Even then most were derived from Asian cultures like the Kama, nunchaku, sai, shuriken, and siangham. The club, crossbow, dagger, handaxe, javelin, quarterstaff, and sling are the other weapons available to the monk. In the revision of the westernized monk we will see different choices available to the different sects of monks.

    Our first group will be the ever popular monks of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Unlike their peers the wizards of the Scarlet sign, this order worships the entire suel pantheon. Tharizdun is not mentioned in their edict, as Tharizdun has a larger following from the mages and lay priest in their society. The monks of the Scarlet Brotherhood believe the suloise people where created to worship the gods and the others races where created to serve the suel.

    Much like the gods are generous with their gifts to the suloise people, so too must we be to our followers as well. Which is quiet a statement since monks in this order are well versed in interrogation, torture, subterfuge, and infiltration. This order pretends not what it does; we provide the necessary services to allow our nation to grow. Unfortunately for most other races this means being forced into permanent servitude of the suloise people.

    Monks of the Scarlet Brotherhood are on good or at least fair terms with wizards of the scarlet sign, though their wholesale worship of Tharizdun irks them a bit. Many suel only warrior and rouge guilds are often used by this order and they tend to coexist easily. However priests of all suel gods (provided they are pure suel stock) are treated as brothers of the order and usually coexist with no quarrel at all. Priests of Tharizdun are viewed with precaution though courtesies are exchanged between the two groups.

    Racial purity, devotion to the gods, and complete annexing of all nations under Sharian rule are the edicts of this order. The monks of the Scarlet Brotherhood have a unique tradition known as the silent sash. Yes a simple sash adorned around ones waist becomes a deadly instrument in the hands of one of these monks. While basic grappling and pugilist skills are taught in this order, they focus mainly on perfecting the silent sash. Please note the changes below.


    S.B. Monks have the following game statistics

                Abilities: Wisdom and Charisma powers some of the monks’ special abilities. Dexterity affords the monk a better defense and can add bonuses to certain class skills. Strength helps with the monk’s unarmed or some sash attacks.

                Alignment: Any lawful (the order is currently 68% evil, 31% neutral, and actually less than 1% good).

                Hit Die: d8

    Class Skills

    The class skills for this order follow those of the monk on page40 of the PHB. Except this order receives Bluff (Cha) as a class skill in addition to those found in the PHB.

    Class Features

    All of the following are class features of the S.B. monk.

                Weapon and Armor Proficiency:  Monks of the Scarlet Brotherhood learn to use basic weapons and a special Martial weapon related to their fighting style. They can use the club, dagger, dart, hand axe, quarterstaff, sash, short bow, spear, and sling. Monks are not proficient in the use of any armor or shields. In fact many of the monk’s abilities require them to move freely and unfettered. If the monk has equipped armor or is medium or heavily encumbered the monk loses his unique armor class bonuses, fast movement, and additional attacks granted by the Silent sash style.

    AC Bonus: A monk is highly trained to avoid blows and anticipate attacks. As such when a monk is unarmored and unencumbered he gains a bonus to his AC score equal to his Wisdom bonus. The monk also receives a +1 to AC for every five levels he has attained. Note the monk can double these bonuses every five levels if using his sash to avoid these blows though he runs the risk of damaging his sash if he does so. The sash has a save DC of 10 +1 for every three levels the monk has attained.

        1st Level-Silent sash- Proficiency in this unique weapon allows the monk to make an extra attack with the sash only. If the monk succeeds on a hit he may attempt to trip his opponent without provoking an attack of opportunity. The monk may also try to disarm instead of trip an opponent using the same rules for disarming though unless the weapon is two handed the monk gains a +2 to disarm his opponent. Shields and two handed weapons nullify the +2 advantage. If the attack role is a natural 20 the monk must make another successful consecutive attack if the second attack is successful the opponent can be strangled a successful strength check to free one from the sashes grasp can be made each round however the opponent is susceptible to attacks of opportunity from the monk or any one in an adjacent square. Note the attack of opportunity made by the monk must be made with either his free hand or one of his feet.  (This skill replaces flurry of blows). Bonus feat-Improved initiative or Combat Reflexes-The monk acquires the ability regardless of ability scores.

     *Unarmed strike-Monks of this tradition use closed fist or open foot, elbows and knees are alien to this traditions fighting style. Otherwise this skill works exactly as described in the PHB page 41.

    2nd Level- Evasion and Fast movement and Bonus feat- Combat expertise (sash only) Or Improved Grapple Regardless of ability score the monk acquires this ability.

    3rd Level-Lydia’s’ mentality-The monk gains a +2 bonus to saves versus the schools of enchantment/charm and any music based mind effecting abilities.    

    4th Level-Bonus Feat-Weapon Finesse or Improved trip (if weapon finesse is already taken or the monk has no bonus from dexterity then he may take improved trip regardless of ability score).  Phaulkon’s Sash-The monk uses his sash to grab onto nearby walls or cliffs to slow down his rate of decent, slow fall 50ft.

     5th Level-Body of Bralm-The monk gains immunity to all poisons. (This skill replaces purity of body).

     6th Level-Kord’s sash -The monk may deliver their unarmed strike though the sash itself at the monk’s actual level. If the monk’s opponent is being strangled when an unarmed strike is delivered through the sash they must save versus DC 10 + the damage dealt by the attack and strangulation damage combined or be knocked unconscious. The monk can now sunder weapons with his sash with all the rules found on sundering apply. Bonus Feat- Improved disarm or Improved trip if not previously taken. The monk gains the skill regardless of ability score.

    7th Level-Lendor’s Essence-The monk can heal themselves by speeding up their metabolism. The monk can heal a number of hit points equal to twice his level plus any bonuses due to his wisdom score.   (Note this skill replaces wholeness of body). Phaulkon’s Sash- The monk can now use his sash to slow his decent, slow fall 75ft.

    8th Level- Fortubo’s sash (Metal) the sash can be used to deal damage to creatures with damage reduction from any source of metal iron, silver gold etc.

    9th Level-Improved Evasion-works like the monk ability found on page 42 of the PHB. Divine Discretion-The monk is well versed in dealing with many races. It takes a lot talent to convince the lesser races of suel superiority. The monk gets a +4 to all diplomacy checks. If the contact is with a pure suel npc the monk gets a +8 to the diplomacy check. 

    10th Level- Syrul’s Wisdom-The monk is skilled in noticing deceit as such the monk gets a +2 bonus for every five levels he has attained to spot a lie or deceit in ones words. The monk knows when someone is trying to bluff him. Phaulkon’s Sash- The monk can now use his sash to slow his decent, slow fall any distance.

    11th Level-Phyton’s Resistance -The monk is now immune to all natural viruses and diseases. The monk gets a +2 on saves versus magical and supernatural viruses and diseases.

    12th Level- Norebo’s Luck –The monk can reroll any one die roll once a day. Like a second chance for the monk.  (Note abundant step is not an ability of this order).

    13th Level-Wee Jas Blessing-The monks gains the blessings of the goddess of magic this grants him spell resistance equal to his level +10. (Works like the diamond soul ability).

    14th Level-Critical Sash-The monk can now strangle on a natural roll of 20. No second attack is required.    

    15th Level-Pyremius Sash-The monk can perform this ability once a day. The monk must get a strangle sash hold on opponent. Once the hold is in place the monk can channel heat through the sash. Which delivers 1d4 hit points of fire damage times the number of rounds the hold is maintained. So round two is 2d4, round three is 3d4 etc. This is in addition to the suffocation damage from being strangled.  (Note this skill replaces Quivering Palm).

    16th Level-Lendor’s Body-the monk no longer ages and does not receive adjusted ability scores due to age. The monk can still die of old age though they are not affected by the passing of time.

    17th Level-Beltar’s Malevolence-The purity of the monk’s blood shines through, any non-suel viewing the monk must save versus fear DC 10+ half the monks’ level and any bonuses due to a high charisma score. This is a constant effect.

    18th Level-Dalt’s Entry-The monk may enter an ethereal state for 1 round per monk level per day, as though using the spell etherealness. He may go ethereal on a number of different occasions during any single day, as long as the total number of rounds spent in an ethereal state does not exceed his monk level.

    19th Level-Llerg’s Mastery-The monk may communicate with any beast to walk Oerth.

    20th Level –Perfect Suel- The monk is considered a supernatural being having achieved perfection. The monk is now treated as an outsider (an extraplanar being). The monk gains immunity to all enchantment/charm effects. The monk has damage reduction 10/magic, which allows him to ignore (aka instantly regenerate) the first ten points of damage dealt by a non magical weapon or attack. Unlike other outsiders the monk can still be brought back to life.

    Monastic Styles of the Great Kingdom

    There are four distinctive monastic orders that where derived by the mighty Great Kingdom. Today we can see the influences of these orders in the modern day Flanaess. While most monkish orders focused on unarmed combat skills, these orders focused on weapon styles. The traditions of Iron Fist, Axe & Shield, Flail & Shield, and Pole arms.  While many of these styles especially the latter three, became increasingly popular with the warrior classes. These traditions began with these monastic orders, though arguments over many of their origins do occur. One such occurrence is a Keolandish order devoted to Kord which strongly disputes the Great Kingdoms claim to the iron fist tradition.

    Iron Fist Tradition

                The tradition of the iron fist was started by a group of monks looking to utilize the use of the closed hand and the Cetus. The tradition also follows minimum use of one’s elbows and knees; use of a kick is not only barred but considered a grave insult by those of this tradition. They are well trained at dealing subdual damage and prefer to use the Cetus to deliver severe injuries. Grappling especially with ones hands is also a huge part of this tradition as disarming opponents and pummeling them to submission is what they subscribe to. The Cetus are blessed in a full day ritual imbuing them with a holy presence. Before the monk can adorn his Cetus he must recite a ritual prayer, if blood is not spilled the monk must sacrifice some of his own blood otherwise he cannot adorn the Cetus until he has spilled blood for a week straight. Note death is not a requirement of the monks’ opponent only that the monk’s opponent bleed from his attack is necessary. However if the enemy is unable to bleed then it must be defeated or killed to sate the ritual which empowers the Cetus. The Cetus are considered holy martial weapons and affect creatures harmed by holy or lawful weapons. This tradition is popular with the churches of Kord, Hextor, and Heironeous though it is not limited to these churches.  


    Monks of the Iron Fist tradition have the following game statistics

                Abilities: Wisdom powers some of the monks’ special abilities. Dexterity affords the monk a better defense and can add bonuses to certain class skills. Strength helps with the monk’s unarmed or Cetus attacks.

                Alignment: Any lawful

                Hit Die: d8

    Class Skills

    The class skills for this order follow those of the monk on page40 of the PHB. Except this order receives Intimidate (Cha) as a class skill in place of the Diplomacy skill.

    Class Features

    All of the following are class features of the Iron fist tradition.

                Weapon and Armor Proficiency:  Monks of the Iron fist tradition learn to use one weapon the Cestus, although knee spikes and shoulder spikes are sometimes seen on senior members. Monks are not proficient in the use of any armor or shields. In fact many of the monk’s abilities require them to move freely and unfettered. If the monk has equipped armor or is medium or heavily encumbered the monk loses his unique armor class bonuses, fast movement, and additional damage attacks granted by the iron fist style.

    AC Bonus: A monk is highly trained to avoid blows and anticipate attacks. As such when a monk is unarmored and unencumbered he gains a bonus to his AC score equal to his Wisdom bonus. The monk also receives a +1 to AC for every five levels he has attained.

        1st Level-Iron fist-Allows the monk to wear their Cetus (holy/lawful) and improve the damage their unarmed strikes deliver. At first level the monk delivers the next damage die up from an unarmed strike.  So instead of delivering 1d6 the monk delivers 1d8 points of damage, at 4th level 1d10, 8th level 2d6, 12th level 2d8, 16th level 2d10, and 20th level 2d12.  

    *Improved unarmed strike-Monks of this tradition use closed fist, grabs, elbows, and knees. Kicks of any kind are forbidden to this traditions fighting style. Otherwise this skill works exactly as described in the PHB page 41. Bonus feat Improved grapple or Stunning Fist. Regardless of ability score the monk acquires this ability.

    2nd Level- Evasion and Fast movement and Bonus feat- Combat expertise (Cetus) Or Combat Reflexes. Regardless of ability score the monk acquires this ability.

    3rd Level-Acute Senses-The monk gains the improved initiative feat and adds a -4 penalty plus wisdom bonus to any attempts to surprise him. (This skill replaces still mind).  

    4th Level-Arcane Fist –Cetus (magic), Pummeling Fist –The monk can forgo his accuracy to increase the number of attacks he delivers in a round. A 4th level monk base attack is +4 if the monk reduces his attack to +0 he gains another attack at -2. This requires a full attack action.  Slow fall 20 ft

     5th Level-Iron Body -The monk gains immunity to natural diseases. (This skill replaces purity of body).

     6th Level-Improved Iron Fist-can deliver lethal or none lethal damage with Cetus or bare fisted only-Bonus Feat –Improved Disarm, or Improved Critical. The monk gains the skill regardless of ability score.

    7th Level-Iron Skin-The monk has conditioned his body to sustain damage and shrug it off. The monk gains damage reduction 2/magic or adamantine. This skill increases every three levels so damage reduction 4 at 10th level, 6 at 13th, 8 at 16th, 10 at 19th, etc. (Note this skill replaces wholeness of body).

    8th Level- Iron Cetus-Cetus (iron) – Slow fall 40 ft.

    9th Level-Improved Evasion-works like the monk ability found on page 42 of the PHB.

    10th Level- Slow fall 50ft.

    11th Level-Iron Resistance -The monk is now immune to all poisons. This also grants the monk a +2 to all will save’s.

    12th Level- Improved Pummeling Fist –The monk can forgo his accuracy to increase the number of attacks he delivers in a round. A 12th level monk base attack is +9 /+4 if the monk reduces his attack to +6/+3 he gains another two attacks at +1. This requires a full attack action. (Note abundant step is not an ability of this order). Slow fall 60ft.

    13th Level-Iron Soul-The monk gains greater resistance to everything + 6 to will saves + 4 to all other save types if something normally doesn’t allow a save the monk still gets a saving throw. (Note this skill replaces Diamond Soul)

    14th Level-Critical Fist -The monk can achieve a critical result on rolls of 19-20 if the monk already has improved critical then he achieves a critical on 17-20. Slow fall 70 ft.

    15th Level-Draining Fist-The monks attacks are draining on his opponent each hit has a chance to sap his opponent’s constitution DC 15 + damaged delivered by the attack , or suffer 1d4 points of constitution damage. This only occurs when a critical is scored by the monk, and lasts a number of rounds equal to half the monk’s level.     

    16th Level-Deadly Strike 1/week- The monk forgoes all attacks but one at his regular base attack bonus plus any due to feats or strength. If he hits the opponent must make an immediate fortitude save versus DC 15 + damage delivered by the attack or die! Another save is necessary if said opponent is to be raised at the same DC 15 plus amount of damage delivered by strike. Though the level of the spell grants a bonus to the opponent’s fortitude save. If this save is failed nothing sort of godly intervention can bring the opponent back. (Note this replaces Quivering Palm) Slow fall 80 ft.     

    17th Level-Iron Presence-The monks presence can inspire allies and demoralize enemies’ allies gain a +2 morale bonus to attacks rolls and save while enemies receive a -2 to attack rolls and saves.  This is a constant effect.  Iron Stance- The monk no longer receives penalties to abilities associated with aging. (Note: these skills replace timeless body and Tongue of the Sun and Moon). 

    18th Level-Slow fall 90 ft.

    19th Level-Blinding Movement-The monk may move in and out of combat at amazing speeds. The monk can move at his base speed in a round through a threatened square without provoking attacks of opportunity. This skill is limited to a number of targets a round by the monk’s dexterity bonus.

    20th Level –Iron forged- The monk is considered a supernatural being having achieved perfection. The monk is now treated as an elemental being (similar to a construct). The monk gains near immunity to most forms of magical effects. The monk now gains spell resistance equal to his level +10 and any bonuses from wisdom the monk has. The monks damage reduction is no longer susceptible to magic, thus damage reduction is now 10/adamantine. The monk now has dark vision 30’, low light vision, and heals at twice the normal healing rate. The monk can be brought back to life unlike a real construct.


    Axe and Shield

    The origin of this tradition oddly enough was developed from common woodsmen, tired of dealing with goblins and other non humanoids out in the wilderness. A wood cutters axe and a wooden shield were very effective in preventing raids on logging operations. So impressed was many a soldier that ear of martial orders across the Great Kingdom peaked. As such the Church of Heironeous promised not only funding but many other perks if the woodsmen joined their order. With the support of the church, logging operations ran very smoothly and the church controlled who learned this effective martial form. A few differences where made from the original weapon choices. Though any one handed axe can be used hand, throwing, or battleaxe became the norm. As far as the poorly made wooden shield it was replaced with a medium metal shield small enough to move quickly large enough to protect its bearer.  Mastering close combat and a style which really focuses on adding benefits if more members of the order are fighting alongside each other than alone. I would warn you do not sleep on a lone member of this tradition as both weapon and shield can be used defensively and offensively when need be. One drawback on the order is unarmed fighting is not stressed, and as such only nominal training is sort in this art form.


    Monks of the Axe and Shield tradition have the following game statistics

                Abilities: Wisdom powers some of the monks’ special abilities. Dexterity affords the monk a better defense and can add bonuses to certain class skills. Strength helps with the monk’s armed attacks.

                Alignment: Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral

                Hit Die: d8

    Class Skills

    The class skills for this order follow those of the monk on page40 of the PHB. Except this order receives Profession (woodcutter) or (logger) (Int) as a class skill in addition to those found in the PHB if the PC wants to take it.

    Class Features

    All of the following are class features of the Axe and Shield style.

                Weapon and Armor Proficiency:  Monks of the axe and shield tradition learn to use various axes; any one handed axe is permitted often hand, throwing and battleaxe. Monks are not proficient in the use of any armor; however they can use shields although medium shields are common through the order, a few use small shields. Funny thing is in the beginning bucklers where used with two handed axes though the church has made improvements since then. This tradition loses the slow fall ability common with most monkish orders; evasion and armor bonus are still part of the order though they are calculated differently.

    AC Bonus: A monk is highly trained to avoid blows and anticipate attacks. As such when a monk is armed and unencumbered he gains a bonus to his AC score equal to his Wisdom bonus. This is in addition to those provided by his shield and bonuses applied to perfecting this tradition.

        1st Level-Axe and shield-Monks of this style gain an additional attack with their axe or shield. (This skill replaces flurry of blows).

    Bonus feat-Improved Shield Bash or Weapon focus (axe or shield). Regardless of ability score the monk acquires this ability.

    2nd Level- Evasion and Fast Movement - Bonus feat- Power attack or Improved Bull Rush. Regardless of ability score the monk acquires this ability. Note this tradition does not gain slow fall.

    3rd Level-Stand your ground-If the monk has his back to a wall, tree or solid structure even his back to another monk of this tradition, he cannot be flanked or sneak attacked.

    4th Level-Shining Force –Axe and shield (silver). The monks axe and shield are treated like silver weapons in their hands only in regards to bypassing damage reduction. This traditions fighting style Grants them Improved Critical if a 20 was needed previously to cause a critical the monk now needs a 18 - 20.

     5th Level- Soldiers Body -The monk gains immunity to natural diseases. (This skill replaces purity of body).

     6th Level- Bonus Feat –Improved Disarm, or Improved Sunder. The monk gains the skill regardless of ability score.

    7th Level-Quick Recovery-The monk has conditioned his body to sustain damage and recover from wounds at an accelerated rate. The monk recovers 1 hit point an hour if unencumbered and does not exert himself beyond a normal movement rate. If resting he recovers 2 hit points and hour. If successfully utilizing the healing proficiency he recovers at twice this rate.  (Note this skill replaces wholeness of body).  In any instance the monk does not regenerate lost appendages.

    8th Level- Axe and Shield-the monks bonus to attack and armor class is now increased by +2 – United Bond-If standing back to back with another monk of this tradition the monk or monks with this ability can aid each other in combat the higher skilled monk grants a bonus to the lower level monk attack rolls which is half the higher monks level rounded down. So a 9th level monk will grant a +4 to attacks rolls for the lower level monk and himself receive an aid bonus of +2 to his own attack rolls. 

    9th Level-Improved Evasion-works like the monk ability found on page 42 of the PHB.

    10th Level- Axe and Shield (Lawful)-Over bearing strike-A monks attack with axe or shield are so posed and fierce that his opponents must make fortitude save or be knocked down. However an opponent can forgo the save by backing up 5 feet. Note if the opponent has already moved 5 feet that round then he cannot forgo his save without provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attack of opportunity hits the opponent must make the save again. 

     11th Level-Natures Gift -The monk is now immune to all poisons-Whirlwind Attack (similar to the feat although this is a spell like ability instead) –The monk can make this attack 1/day, attacking any opponent within the monk’s full movement rate. The monk is not susceptible to attacks of opportunity while using this skill. The monk makes his normal number of attacks adding his dexterity bonus to his attack rolls. The monk suffers a -2 to all attack rolls and armor class bonuses for three rounds after attempting this form of attack.

    12th Level- Fight Fate –The monk can 1/day. Speed his recovery to heal his wounds in one round. The monk must forgo all attacks that round, though may still defend against attacks. By calling upon his lord Heironeous, the monk must be in battle to receive this gift. The monk recovers 1d10 hit points per bonus granted by wisdom + half his level.    

    13th Level-Hero’s Soul-The monk gains the Diehard feat if the monk has the diehard feat he can continue fighting normally from -1 to -5 hit points and disabled from -6 to -14 hit points, and the monk dies at -15 hit points.  (Note this skill replaces Diamond Soul) This also grants the monk immunity to the curse of lycanthropy.

    14th Level-Improved Shining Force -The monk can now achieve a critical result on rolls of 16-20. The monk does not automatically miss on a roll of 1 instead he rolls again and receives a -10 to the attack roll. Only when using his axe or shield.

    15th Level-Faithful Fatality-The monk can once a week channel his faith through his attacks he gets two attacks one from his axe the other from his shield if only one hits the save is DC 10 + wisdom bonus. If both hit the save is DC 10+ ½ the monks’ level and wisdom bonus. All creatures and constructs can be affected unless the monk’s weapons would normally do no damage to an opponent such as incorporeal beings. Thus a failed save means destruction or death. If an opponent saves then only normal damage is dealt. (Note: this skill replaces Quivering Palm).    

    16th Level-Axe and Shield (Holy)-Whirlwind attack - The monk can now make this attack 2/day, attacking any opponent within the monk’s full movement rate. The monk is not susceptible to attacks of opportunity while using this skill. The monk makes his normal number of attacks adding his dexterity bonus to his attack rolls. The monk now suffers a -1 to all attack rolls and armor class bonuses for three rounds after attempting this form of attack. Storm attack – can only be performed by two monks of this order whom can whirlwind attack one of the monks must be 16th level or higher for this to work both monks gain additional attacks equal to three times there dexterity bonus. If the monk has no dexterity bonus then grant the monk +2 bonus to his attack rolls.


    17th Level-Timeless Body-The monk no longer suffers penalties from aging. Words of the woods – The monk can communicate with any woodland creature. (Note: Words of the woods-replaces Tongue of the sun and the moon).

    18th Level-Combat Presence-the monk cannot be flanked or sneak attacked, any monk of this order within 30 feet of a monk with this ability also gains the benefit of not being flanked or sneak attacked as well.    

    19th Level-Whirlwind Attack- The monk can now make this attack 3/day, attacking any opponent within the monk’s full movement rate. The monk is not susceptible to attacks of opportunity while using this skill. The monk makes his normal number of attacks adding his dexterity and wisdom bonus to his attack rolls. The monk suffers a -1 to all attack rolls and armor class bonuses for one round after attempting this form of attack. Storm attack-monks performing this maneuver now can add their wisdom bonuses as well as their triple their dexterity bonuses to their attack rolls.  (Note: this skill replaces Empty body) 

    20th Level –Chosen- The monk is considered a supernatural being having achieved perfection. The monk is now treated as an outsider (an extraplanar being). The monk gains immunity to all enchantment/charm effects. The monk has damage reduction 10/magic. The monk also gains lowlight vision. Any monk of this order in the presence of a chosen within 30’ feet cannot be affected by enchantment/charm effects. Unlike other outsiders the monk can still be brought back to life.


    Flail and Shield

    This style was created in response to the popularity of the axe and shield style developed by the church of Heironious. The flail and shield also incorporated the Morningstar in its tradition. Often the Morningstar was used by novices or those in the order who preferred the lighter weapon. The church of Hextor was able to prevent further converts to Heironious axe and shield style. This style focuses on damaging foes as quickly as possible, so the number of attacks is not as important as the effectiveness of each blow. It is better to use few attacks with maximum effect than many with minimal success. A strong monastic order still exists to this day, many warriors have sort training in this tradition. Members of this order are denoted by rank easily, as they have a special threefold shield made from what looks like bucklers’ strewn or forged together in a tri-fold for high ranking members two-fold for low ranking members, novices carry a single buckler. Note senior members who carry the tri-shield must also utilize the flail, as the flail represent the three arms of attack and the shield represents the three arms of defense afforded by their lord.         


    Monks of the Flail and Shield tradition have the following game statistics

                Abilities: Wisdom powers some of the monks’ special abilities. Dexterity affords the monk a better defense and can add bonuses to certain class skills. Strength helps with the monk’s armed attacks.

                Alignment: Lawful Evil or Lawful Neutral

                Hit Die: d8

    Class Skills

    The class skills for this order follow those of the monk on page40 of the PHB. Except this order receives Intimidate (Cha) as a class skill in addition to those found in the PHB.

    Class Features

    All of the following are class features of the Flail and Shield style.

                Weapon and Armor Proficiency:  Monks of the flail and shield tradition learn to use three weapons; the morning star, flail and at higher levels arms of attack (a special three headed flail. Monks are not proficient in the use of any armor; however they can use shields although buckler shields are common through the order. Higher ranking members upgrade to a two-fold shield and veteran members carry the coveted three fold shield.  The tradition is learned in layers so ones weapon and shield easily display one rank. Shoulder spikes and knee spikes are encouraged attire. Evasion is lost, but armor bonuses are still part of the order though to a minor extent. The order focuses on overpowering attacks and quickly dispatching of adversaries.

    AC Bonus: A monk of this tradition focuses on defusing a blow, rather than avoiding it. As long as a monk of this tradition has a shield in his possession, he can choose to take the attack and gain a slight advantage. One by accepting the attack he receives half-damage, and the attacker must make a successful reflex save DC 10 + level of the monk and any dexterity bonus. Otherwise the attacker is prone to an attack of opportunity (Note: All normal rules apply buckler can only protect from one attack a round and attacks of opportunity are limited to one plus any dexterity bonus afforded to the monk). This ability is gain at second level.      

        1st Level-Fast Movement and Power attack-Monks of this style gain this as a bonus feat. They also gain Improved Shield Bash. (This skill replaces flurry of blows).Regardless of ability scores the monk acquires these abilities.

    2nd Level- Accept Attack - A monk of this tradition focuses on defusing a blow, rather than avoiding it. As long as a monk of this tradition has a shield in his possession, he can choose to take the attack and gain a slight advantage. One by accepting the attack he receives half-damage, and the attacker must make a successful reflex save DC 10 + level of the monk and any dexterity bonus. Otherwise the attacker is prone to an attack of opportunity. Bonus feat- Improved Sunder or Improved Bull Rush. Regardless of ability score the monk acquires this ability. Note this tradition does not gain slow fall or Evasion.

    3rd Level-Improved Overrun-The monk gains this feat if he already has it then double the bonuses the monk receives to overrun his opponent.

    4th Level-Weapon and shield - (iron). The monks weapon and shield are treated like iron weapons in their hands only in regards to bypassing damage reduction. The monk gains an additional + 1 to attack and damage with morning star or flail. He also gains the rank of Hound, and may carry the coveted two-fold shield, this allows him to accept one more attack a round and gain one more attack of opportunity when accepting an attack This traditions fighting style Grants them Improved Critical as well if a 20 was needed previously to cause a critical the monk now needs a 18 or 20.

     5th Level- Hounds Resilience -The monk gains immunity to natural diseases and poisons. (This skill replaces purity of body).

     6th Level- Hound of War – The monk can choose to inflict a wound on himself for each point of damage he takes the monk can deliver an extra point of damage to his opponent. However he must declare this before his attack roll and he must hit his opponent within one round of receiving his self-inflicted wound.

    7th Level-Hellion-The monk may now carry the coveted tri-fold shield and arms of attack. He can now accept attacks 3 times a round and create 3 attacks of opportunity plus dexterity bonus a round. The monk also gains an additional +1 to attack and damage with his shield and flail.(Example: the monk is being attacked by 3 goblins he has no bonus to dexterity he decides to accept their attacks the goblins fail their save and the monk may take an attack of opportunity on each of them. Then one goblin crosses into a threatened square which would provoke an attack of opportunity, however the monk has no dexterity bonus so he cannot take advantage of the goblins mistake).

    8th Level- Hellion of Battle-The monk can inflict a wound on himself and choose to damage an opponent. He must still receive the wound before attacking his opponent, but he now has 3 rounds to hit his opponent. Bonus Feat Cleave if the monk has already taken cleave than he can take Deflect arrow with his shield only.   

    9th Level-Hellion of Blood –The monk can steal life force from an opponent by inflicting damage to an opponent. The monk must announce his action before attacking if he hits and damage is inflicted on his opponent then he adds this to his total hit points though he cannot exceed his maximum hit points with this ability. He can use this ability once a day and must hit his opponent within 3 rounds of initiating this ability (Note: This skill replaces wholeness of body).  Improved Power Attack- The monk can add 2 points of damage to his damage rolls for every one point he sacrifices to hit.

    10th Level- Master of Battle-The monk can now accept attacks and receives fortitude save DC 10 plus level of opponent and damage dealt. If save is successful the monk takes no damage, if the save fails he receives a ¼ of the damaged delivered by the blow. Flail and Shield (lawful)-The monk also improves his critical range from 18-20 to 16-20.  

     11th Level-Arms of Defense -The monk can move into a threatened square without provoking an attack of opportunity as long as his shield is equipped.  

    12th Level- Second Wind –The monk can 1/week activate this boon from his lord Hextor. If the monk is in battle and reduce to below 0 hit points, this power will activate.  The monk receives back half his normal hit point total. Then for a number of rounds equal to the monks’ level rounded up he gains damage reduction 2 for each enemy he slays. (Example:  in the first round of using this ability the monk kills two peasants he gains damage reduction of 4 for the remaining 11 rounds, if he kills the captain of the guard 7 rounds later he gains damage reduction of 6 for the remaining 4 rounds.)   

    13th Level-Arms of attack- The monk can 3/day deliver a critical strike. He forgoes all other attacks that round and if the monk can normally critical his opponent then this strike does so, however this ability can only be made with the arms of attack flail.  The monk gains the Diehard feat if the monk has the diehard feat he can continue fighting normally from -1 to -5 hit points and disabled from -6 to -14 hit points, and the monk dies at -15 hit points (Note this skill replaces Diamond Soul).

    14th Level-Blood resistance -The monk can use his own blood to resist the effects of magic for every 2 hit points he sacrifices he receives a +1 to add to his save roll. If the spell does not normally allow a save then the monk can spend a number of hit points equal to twice the spells level to gain a save. Hit points spent this way heal at their normal rate.

    15th Level-Tyrants Presence- The monk radiates a constant circle of fear in a 15’ foot radius.

     16th Level-Tyrants Revenge-The monk can make one last attempt to slay the opponent who just killed him. If the monk receives enough damage to die the ability activates. If he hits his opponent with this attack the opponent gets a save at DC 15 + level of the monk and any bonuses due to wisdom. If the save fails the monks opponent shares his faith. If the save is made the opponent takes triple the weapons normal damage. If the damage dealt is not enough to kill the opponent then there are no other effects. Since the monk is dead unless resurrected this ability is usually only used once. (Note: the skill replaces Quivering Palm).          


    17th Level-Battle Endurance-The monk is not affected by age when in battle any ability damage received due to age is reversed while in battle. When the battle ends the monks’ abilities revert back to normal. (Note: This ability replaces Timeless Body).

    18th Level-Tyrants Law- The monk can 1/day invoke his law the affected individual cannot do anything without first asking the monks’ permission to perform any action short of breathing this ability only works on individuals with an Intelligence score of two of higher and they must be able to communicate with the monk. The save DC is 20 plus the level of the monk. If the save is failed the affected individual gets a save a day until the affect is broken.  Combat Experience-the monk cannot be flanked, though he can still be sneaked attacked.

    19th Level-Tyrants Strength – The monk can once a day gain 4 points to his strength score this lasts 1rd per level of the monk.  (Note: this skill replaces Empty body) 

    20th Level –Scourge of Battle- The monk is considered a supernatural being having achieved perfection. The monk is now treated as an outsider (an extraplanar being). The monk gains immunity to all enchantment/charm effects. The monk has damage reduction 10/magic. The monk also gains dark vision. The monk gains spell resistance equal to his level. The spell caster must make a spell check with 1d20 plus caster level to affect the monk. Unlike other outsiders the monk can still be brought back to life.


    Pole Arm Style

    The use of pole arms became more popular as a backup weapon for archers though Nyrond first implemented its use the Great Kingdom took full advantage of instituting pole arms as a means of defending their archers in battle.  Some cloisters of monks began incorporating pole arms as a fighting style. Though many weapons can carry the moniker of pole arm only the Glaive, Guisarme, Longspear, and Ranseur pertain to this fighting style.  Armor and shields have no place in this order although kicking is as common place as the weapons are themselves.


    Monks of the Pole arm tradition have the following game statistics

                Abilities: Wisdom powers some of the monks’ special abilities. Dexterity and Intelligence are key to this style and affords the monk a better defense, and can add bonuses to certain class skills. Strength helps with the monk’s armed and unarmed attacks.

                Alignment: Any Lawful

                Hit Die: d8

    Class Skills

    The class skills for this order follow those of the monk on page40 of the PHB.

    Class Features

    All of the following are class features of the Pole arm style.

                Weapon and Armor Proficiency:  Monks of the pole arm tradition learn to use several weapons spears, halberd, poleaxes, bardiches, but can only use their special skills with the ranseur, guisarme, glaive, and longspear. An expert at kicking though fisticuffs escapes them. They use no shield or armor of any kind.

    AC Bonus: A monk of this tradition relies on deflecting and evading attacks, the pole arms and the monks legs are incorporated well in this style balancing reach and close quarter fighting as one fluid motion. Tripping and making enemies prone to further attacks are strengths in this style. The biggest mistake one can do is allow a monk of this order to keep his distance as angular momentum can deliver critical attacks

        1st Level-Unarmed strike- The monk can attack with his feet while unarmed or by leaning on the pole arm for balance. When doing the later add +2 to the damage dice. Combat expertise – Regardless of ability score the monk gains this ability although only when equipped with a pole arm.  Bonus Feat- Improved Trip or Improved Disarm regardless of ability score.

    2nd Level- Evasion – As the monk ability on page 41 of the PHB. Deflect –The monk can use his pole arm to deflect incoming missle attacks he makes an opposed attack roll to deflect the missle even magical missle though against magical attacks consider the pole arm to have  a save DC of 15 with a hardness rating equal to the weapons weight. The monk can deflect a number of attacks a round equal to 1 + 1 for each bonus afforded by dexterity. This tradition also gains Fast movement. 

    3rd Level-Dodge- as the feat on page 93 of the PHB. This feat also can be used as a deflect bonus when using his pole arm. Slow fall 20ft.   

    4th Level-Still mind – As the monk ability on page 41 of the PHB.

    5th Level- Pierce the Veil –The monk can overcome damage reduction effected by magic with armed or unarmed strikes. Slow fall 40ft. The monk can now deflect melee attacks as well as missle attacks with his pole arm.

     6th Level- Mobility – As the feat on page 98 of the PHB. The monk can choose to add this bonus to deflect attacks of opportunity instead of just dodging them with his pole arm.

    7th Level-Improved Evasion-As the monk ability on page 42 of the PHB. Slow fall 60ft.

    8th Level- Remove Wounds-The monk can remove wounds from his body equal in hit points to twice his level, once a day spread out over several uses. Depending on which bonus feat the monk took at first level they receive an additional +2 to trip attacks if improved trip was taken or a +2 to disarm if improved disarm was taken.  

    9th Level-Slow fall 80ft.

    10th Level- Spring Attack-As the feat on page 100 of the PHB. 

    11th Level-Slow fall any distance.

    12th Level- Sweep Attack- instead of the monk moving this attack is made to force his opponents to move or suffer a critical strike. This attack effects any opponents in a 10ft radius any opponent with a full move action can do so without making a save. However if the monks opponent does not have a full move action he must make a reflex save DC 15 + level of the monk and any bonus afforded the monk due to dexterity bonus. If they make the save the opponents avoids a critical strike but make another save or be tripped or disarmed depending on which bonus feat the monk took at first level.  The DC is 17 + level of the monk and any bonus afforded the monk by intelligence. (Note: the monk forgoes all other attacks that round to perform a sweep attack, though they still receive the normal number of attacks of opportunity).


    13th Level-Pole Jump Kick-The monk uses his pole arm to gain leverage and hurl himself in the air at an opponent up to 15 feet away. The attack has a normal chance to hit but deals double damage and has a chance to knockdown the opponent. The monk makes this move as a standard action and can perform other attacks or move 5 feet. He can perform only one of these attacks a round.

    14th Level-Resistance –The monk gains immunity to all natural diseases and poisons.

    15th Level-Lessen reach- The monk can now attack adjacent foes with a pole arm. The attack does only half damage but the monk can force his opponent to move back 5 feet the fortitude save DC is 15 + level of the monk

    16th Level-Disabling strike-The monk can 1/day perform a strike that renders his opponent permanently disabled. While the opponent still lives if he has any remaining hit points. The only thing he can do without aid is breath. The save DC is 25 + level of the monk. Even if the save is made the opponent still suffers a critical strike. Nothing short of a wish can heal the opponent of this attack if the save is failed.


    17th Level-Pierce protections-The monk may overcome damage reduction other than those affected by magic. Instead if an opponent has damage reduction 10/iron only half of his opponents’ damage reduction is applied. So the first 5 points of damage are ignored but any damage over 5 points are dealt normally to the monks opponents. This can only be performed with the monks’ pole arm.

    18th Level-Timeless Body- As the monk ability on page 42 of the PHB.

    19th Level-Enter Ethereal State – The monk gains the ability to assume an ethereal state for 1 round per monk level per day, as though using the spell etherealness. He may go ethereal on a number of different occasions during any single day, as long as the total number of rounds spent in an ethereal state does not exceed his monk level.  

    20th Level –Extended one- The monk is considered a supernatural being having achieved perfection. The monk is now treated as an ethereal being (an extraplanar being). The monk gains immunity to all enchantment/charm effects. The monk has psychic and magic resistance equal to his level +10 and any bonus afforded by wisdom. A spellcaster or psychic must make a DC check of spellcaster or psychic level plus 1d20. The roll must meet or exceed this role to affect the monk. The monk can also see in the ethereal even when he is not in an ethereal state. "
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    Re: Monastic Fighting Styles of the Flanaess (Score: 1)
    by A-Baneful-Backfire on Fri, May 14, 2010
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    Awesome job, I especially like how you have anchored these variants to the campaign.

    I have always been thinking of an alternative to the oriental style martial artist.  When 2nd edition did away with the monk, I created a psionic "Psymidon" to keep characters in play, and then we went back to the monk in 3rd.  But it never felt right having someone wielding kamas, sais, or nunchucks.  I've tried to relabel things "quick-sickle," "parry-bar," or "monk-flail" but it still falls short.  Your revisions are much more thorough and consistent.  Thank you for sharing.

    Re: Monastic Fighting Styles of the Flanaess (Score: 1)
    by Cebrion on Tue, June 01, 2010
    (User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
    Now with charts!  :D

    Re: Monastic Fighting Styles of the Flanaess (Score: 1)
    by Mystic-Scholar on Sat, September 25, 2010
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    Detailed and in depth, overall an excellent job, Argon. Well done. Your effort is and will be appreciated by all. Well done indeed.

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