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    Personal Information: cwslyclgh

    Location: Renton WA
    Occupation: Writer
    Interests: D&D, comics, art and writing

    C. Wesley Clough
    Actual User Status: Offline

    All Articles Posted by cwslyclgh:
  • Places of Interest: The Sanctuary of the Jeweled Dagger
  • Deadly Denizens of the Dry Steppes
  • Treasures of Greyhawk: Magic Rings
  • Salinmoor Sites: Rodeni Manor
  • Down in the Rift Canyon
  • The Fall of Shakark, Thillonrian myth.
  • Horrors of the Hellfurnaces
  • Spellbooks of the Flanaess: The Wyrmkin Scrolls
  • Postfest V, Part III: The Horn Wing of the Dry Steppes
  • Postfest IV: Hurricane Bow of the Sea Princes
  • Postfest IV: Spell Books of the Flanaess: Demanding Dweomercraft
  • Postfest IV: The Tome of Agony
  • The Spells of the Mage Hunter
  • Shadows and Light
  • Postfest III: Keth the Golden
  • Map of Seaton
  • The Haunted Mine of Blackstone
  • Secrets of the Invisis Vis
  • Magical Staves of Greyhawk
  • Death at Dawn
  • Spell Books of the Flanaess: The Lost Book of Gems
  • Magic of the Dwarves (part 2): Domains of the Dwarves
  • Cevinar's Workbook
  • Postfest II: The Vanishing Obelisk of Grendep Bay
  • Postfest II: Grot-Ugrat: Legacy of Hate
  • Magic of the Dwarves (Part 1): Spells of Steel and Stone
  • Bad Times in the Good Hills

  • Last 10 Comments by cwslyclgh:
  • Re: Places of Interest: The Sanctuary of the Jeweled Dagger
  • Re: Spellbooks of the Flanaess: The Wyrmkin Scrolls
  • Re: Spellbooks of the Flanaess: The Wyrmkin Scrolls
  • Re: Random Encounters in Ull
  • Re: The Horn Wing of the Dry Steppes
  • Re: Tamoachan Revisited - The Origins of the Olman
  • Re: Magic Items of Ull: Part 2
  • Re: Mystoerth map revealed at last!
  • Re: Magic Items of Ull: Part 1
  • Re: Spell Books of the Flanaess: Demanding Dweomercraft

  • Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

    Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

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