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    Personal Information: Longetalos

    Richard Di Ioia (aka Longetalos)
    Actual User Status: Offline
    [ Read My Journal ]

    All Articles Posted by Longetalos:
  • Creature territory size
  • Cultural effect of the Twin Cataclysms
  • Omnipotent View - Aratheas' background
  • A brief synopsis of the whaling skill
  • Notoriety system for PC
  • Tilvanot (Scarlet Brotherhood) population
  • Religion for the Enlightened
  • Manor and Castle building
  • Omnipotent view – Returning the Anvil of the Lortmils
  • Ships and Naval Travel
  • Omnipotent View – Hot Sea and Cold Sun
  • Updated Lineage of Furyondy Kings
  • Omnipotent View – Siege of Grabford
  • Omnipotent view - Crossing the Veng
  • Omnipotent view - A day in the life of Bradus the bard
  • Omnipotent view - Bad news at home
  • Omnipotent view - How does one interrogate a dragon
  • Ecology of the Flanaess Orc
  • Advanced Materials and Their Applications - Mythrantium
  • Bardic Colleges of Oerth
  • Advanced Materials and Their Applications - Adamantium
  • Advanced Materials and Their Applications - Mythril
  • Omnipotent View: The Forging of a Man
  • Omnipotent View: Follow the Money
  • Omnipotent View: Survivors of the Great Crusade
  • Omnipotent View: The Twin Cataclysms
  • Furyondian Spreadsheets
  • Omnipotent View: Dissertation of Magic Items
  • Omnipotent View: The Dwarven Fire Mage
  • Omnipotent View: Knights of the Hart
  • Omnipotent View: Brother of the Sun God
  • Omnipotent View - Suel Mage-Killers
  • Omnipotent View - The History of Border Watch
  • How to Roleplay a Dwarf
  • Omnipotent View: Knights of Hextor
  • Omnipotent View: Story of Nezmajen
  • Omnipotent View: The Oeridian Horde
  • Omnipotent View: The Greatest Sacrifice
  • Omnipotent View: The Fellowship of Shadows
  • Omnipotent View: Return to Dorakaa
  • How to Roleplay a Gnome
  • How to Roleplay an Elf
  • Omnipotent View: Law's Forge
  • Omnipotent View: Law's Forge Sword
  • Omnipotent View: Citadel of Steel
  • Omnipotent View: Lich Lord Conclave
  • Omnipotent View: First Letter to Atok

  • Last 10 Comments by Longetalos:
  • Re: Ratik’s Military 576-586 Common Year Part I
  • Re: Merchant Ships of Greyhawk
  • Re: Notoriety system for PC
  • Re: Edel in Greyhawk and the Flanaess: An Overview of Psionics
  • Re: The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - Part 6
  • Re: Ships and Naval Travel
  • Re: Manor and Castle building
  • Re: The Greyhawk Travel Guide, Part IV
  • Re: Omnipotent view – Returning the Anvil of the Lortmils
  • Re: Ships and Naval Travel

  • Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

    Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

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